What is this?

Systems change is a process of comprehensive transformation that shifts the paradigms, patterns, and structures of a system and its relationships so that desired outcomes become possible. It requires us to unfold the nested and dynamic relationships which exist between and within the parts of a system to see what new configurations might be possible and desirable. This necessitates ongoing inquiry into the values and feedback mechanisms at the source of a system’s design and power, so that agents within a system can orient toward a vision and sense of purpose that serves and enhances the lives of the people and the ecosystems of a system.

See also: systems theory, complex system, relational process, systems thinking, critical thinking

Predicting the Pandemic, Nora Bateson, Joe Brewer & Jim Rutt 17,906

Climate Crisis: Why Everyone Is Confused - Nora Bateson 6,128

Body and Soul: An Ecology of Communication w/ Nora Bateson and Diane Musho Hamilton 2,289

Conversation with Nora Bateson 2,085

Dialogos with warm data w/ Nora Bateson and Tim Adalin- Voices with Vervaeke 1,873

Awakening The World Teacher | Nora Bateson, John Vervaeke & Tim Adalin 1,808

Into the Heart of Systems Change with Nora Bateson 1,804

Future-Proofing Children - Nora Bateson 1,571

Unanswered Questions w/ Nora Bateson 1,452